This paper investigates how we can design interfaces and interactions
for multi-view TVs, enabling users to transition between
independent and shared activity, dynamically control
awareness of other users activities, and collaborate more effectively
on shared activities. We conducted two user studies,
first comparing an Android-based two-user TV against both
multi-screen and multi-view TVs. Based on our findings, we
iterated on our design, giving users the ability to dynamically
set their engagement with other users activity. We provide
the foundations of a multi-user multi-view smart TV that can
support users to transition between independent and shared
activity and gain awareness of the activities of others, on a
single shared TV that no longer suffers the bottleneck of one
physical view.
Related papers:
- M. McGill, J. Williamson, and S. A. Brewster, “It Takes Two (To Co-View),” in Proceedings of the acm international conference on interactive experiences for tv and online video – tvx ’15, New York, New York, USA, 2015, p. 23–32.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{McGill2015b, address = {New York, New York, USA}, author = {McGill, Mark and Williamson, John and Brewster, Stephen A.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for TV and Online Video - TVX '15}, doi = {10.1145/2745197.2745199}, file = {:C$\backslash$:/Users/Mark/AppData/Local/Mendeley Ltd./Mendeley Desktop/Downloaded/McGill, Williamson, Brewster - 2015 - It Takes Two (To Co-View).pdf:pdf}, isbn = {9781450335263}, keywords = {displays,engagement,multi-user,multi-view,tv}, month = {jun}, pages = {23--32}, publisher = {ACM Press}, title = {{It Takes Two (To Co-View)}}, url = {}, year = {2015} }